Autor: Oscar Gonzalez
Tiempo de lectura: 10 minutos
Kit de iniciación creado por Madmachine para programar microcontroladores con el lenguaje Swift de Apple
El último ejemplo que he probado consiste en tomar el valor de un potenciómetro utilizando una entrada analógica del controlador y mover un servomotor acorte a su valor. Esto da una buena idea de cómo podemos tomar el valor de una entrada y actuar en consecuencia mediante una lógica sencilla.
Mission 8 Servo Motor
Turn the potentiometer and the angle of servo arm will change.
The circuit:
- Use Potentiometer Module and connect it to an Analog Jack.
- Most servo motors have the following three connections:
Black/Brown ground wire.
Red power wire (around 3.3V).
Yellow or White PWM wire.
- In this mission, we will connect the power and ground pins directly to the SwiftIO 3.3V and GND pins.
- The PWM input will be connected to one of the SwiftIO's digital output pins.
created 2019
by Orange J
Try to change the servo's movement to an opposite way.
Or, use a light sensor instead of the potentiometer. Then you reads how much light is present!
This example code is in the public domain.
Visit for more info.
import SwiftIO
let a0 = AnalogIn(Id.A0) // Initialize the analog pin.
// Each cycle of the signal lasts for 20 milliseconds.
// The pulse should last between 0.5 and 2.5 milliseconds to activate the servo.
// With a 0.5ms pulse, the servo will turn to 0 degrees and with a 2.5ms pulse, it will at 180 degrees.
// In between, it is at an angle between 0%u2013180.
let servo = PWMOut(Id.PWM4A)
while true {
let value = a0.readPercent() // Read the analog value and return a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
let pulse = Int(500 2000 * value) // Calculate the value to get the pulse duration.
servo.set(period: 20000, pulse: pulse) // Set the servo position according to the scaled value.
sleep(ms: 100)
Ejemplo SwiftIO con potenciómetro y servomotor